上个月的订单。第一也是2010年的最后一个订单。希望2011会有更多人支持我们 !
Kzklot Breathe . Comfortable insole , unique number in the shoes as per legit .
Nike AF1 x Starwars
Nike AF1 White
Nike AF1 x CLOT [ Comes in full set ]
Some items in the customer order wasn't listed in our blog yet as some of them was requested by my own friendsbefore the blog shop was opened . To those who are interested , you may contact us personally at tiffany.inc@hotmail.com . Lots of thanks to my dear friends especially Ken .
可能一些刚接触本店的顾客或朋友会觉得很多CUSTOMER ORDER里有的东西都没列在本店,别担心,若要订购可以自行在tiffany.inc@hotmail.com联络我们 (: